The Golden Rule of Life

So this one day, Trico a 13 year old in Pallet Town was walking to the bus stop where she encountered a man. He was dressed in a check shirt and full pants holding a leather bag sideways, seemed like a working professional. While Trico was excited to go to school, the day being her first of the new session, the poor guy was rather sad. 

the shers blog

Since the bus was late, to pass time she introduced herself; contrary to what seemed like a bad mood he responded rather positively, probably because everyone likes kids. He said that he is a game developer to which her eyes lit up, before she could go any further he explained that he's makes video games not something like snakes & ladders, playing catch, or any other indoor/outdoor game. So, basically you're a someone who never grew up from his childhood video game addiction? hearing this, the guy got furious on how could a puny little girl comment on his profession like that, but she was a kid. So, he patiently explained her, how easy it is to simply eat the food prepared by her mom but she doesn't know the amount of hard work behind it, it's the same way, he doesn't play games but writes script for each and every minute detail of the game which is not just fun but a lot of hard work too. She realized her mistake and instantly apologized. He observed an unusual paper boat with a coke tin flap above it along with her school bag and inquired about it. It was her summer vacation project, she made a pop-pop boat (if you don't know what that is, youtube: how to make a simple pop-pop boat) and this is why she was excited to go to school and show her work to the science teacher.

the shers blogWhy did you have a long face a while ago? asked Trico. Now he had a setback, but instead of avoiding the question like he always did with his fellow mates he decided speak up this time. Maybe because he didn't fear the judgement of a 13 year old or just didn't care as she already thought him to be a child with game addiction. "Well I am tired of my monotonous life, living a city away from home, doing the same 9-5 job everyday, tired by the time I come back but still I've to cook and then eat&sleep. I don't even get enough sleep and it's morning already and then I set out to repeat everything like I am doing right now." Seeing him crumble in pain while he completed his short monologue, Trico said, well, my mom is a housewife and she also does the same exact things everyday but she's happy most of the time. Don't you think your routine is just a little mismanaged? Firstly it was kind of foolish of Trico to relate the life of her mom to a working professional because the daily activities of both of them are quite different and additionally, mom's do receive and give love all the time so that probably motivates them in doing their chores everyday but it was not completely untrue that his daily routine was really mismanaged. Trico further questioned him, so what all do you do outside work? My mom along with all her duties does gardening, plans for family vacations and has some meetups with her friends. He said, well I do use social media to catch-up with my friends but while saying this he realized that he didn't really have a life outside work. By that time, their buses arrived and they bid each other goodbye.

So what is the golden rule of life? As said by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich, "Success is anybody who does a predefined task, because he deliberately decides to do it." Just because you're going through a hard phase right now and it's not pleasurable doesn't make what you do less valuable. It's just that you're not doing the work willingly; although keep in mind, the more one goes through difficult situations willingly, the more one will be happy. (I don't know if the grammar was correct, I couldn't frame a better sentence, so pardon me for that) Also, what Trico said earlier was not really foolish, "A success is a housewife who does her chores on-time daily, because she deliberately decided to do it", that being said, it's also necessary to have a life outside of regular duties doing something we love. If you can't find any such thing, start a family, that'll probably work (haha) because Life is all about maintaining a balance between the two. Peace.

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