
Let's talk about the sole purpose of existence. Things ranging from, does our existence really matter in the vast spectrum of the universe to can we really decode the mystery of life is what we're gonna see today.

I feel life is a vacation in an unknown destination for around a 100 years. You see what control do you have over it? You may say I always have a choice and I decide whatever happens with my life. Okay, I am cool with it, but that's not what I am talking about. I mean to say what is the sole purpose of being when you look at it from a point of view of time. Think yourself having the brain you have right now but in a body of a dinosaur how would you have lived? Would you really consider things like I am here and my goal is to leave Earth a better place than it was before or I want to help my community or I want to help the one's struggling with life. Of course, there are things you could have done even being a dinosaur but that's why I gave you a human brain. You know all of them extinct someday. So what was the point of it all? I know it's similar to something like, since we're gonna die anyway why bother doing something right? But no; yeah there's history and we still learn so much from the fossils and different kinds of lives on Earth previously; I agree. My question is, so what? We would just have a little less information to study that's it? What was the point of dinosaurs existence? Corollary to that, what is the point of our existence? I have no clue. If your viewpoint is minute in terms that's great and you'll always have things to work upon but if you look at it in a broad perspective, you start to question; all of this what for? or is it because we're just used to get a specific answer to a question while writing exams that we can't deal with the fact that Life is a mystery and hence I also called it a vacation.


But then if Life really is a vacation. What's beyond it? The milky way, the entire universe and things beyond it what does it really mean? Why does only Earth have Life? or if there are planets why haven't we made friends with them yet? What's beyond the universe? Why did the big bang happen? Some energy of few millimeters exploded to create the entire universe? Wtf? and where does God fit in here? By god I remember, sages suggest the only way to get these queries answered while being alive is via meditation. Why so? and if I can get all my answers by just meditating why should I bother living or working hard to make a living? 

So what do we do after all of these doubts? There's no answer, at least I don't have any. How do I deal with it? I am struggling honestly, but I think if you take Life as a vacation wherein you do what's right morally, ethically while enjoying the work you do; you'll be rewarded with death because probably the best thing that can happen in terms of getting our queries answered is death. You see, if you're curious for knowledge; death doesn't seem so bad does it!

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