Why is love important in our life, family and society?

Love is one of those feelings which is very hard to put into words. It’s naturally sophisticated and almost everything has a love element to it. But why is it that way? What gave love so much value in our lives? Here’s the answer:

Human beings are emotional creatures and everything that relates to love has emotions attached to it. The reason love has such an important place in our lives is because humans on the fundamental level are compassion seeking social animals and love is the form of expression for the same.

This still sounds a little vague so let’s look into it in more detail.

Love for Family

This is the most underrated kind of love. This is what builds us from an infant to a child to an adult. In most cases, we’re fortunate enough to receive this but also in most cases we don’t value it and have a just receive but not contribute attitude towards it.

Basically we take it for granted. Orphans and the ones separated from their parents would know the feeling of growing up without a guardian in their lives. If we had to become our own guardian, take care of ourselves like there was no one to look after us to cheering up ourselves by our own; only then we would understand the real pain one goes through when they’re deprived of it.

But then when adulthood kicks in, the same family starts becoming a burden on us, we don’t want to reciprocate their efforts in any possible way. We feel these small gatherings to be cumbersome and petty things in life and we’re meant for greatness! Only to realize how wrong we were once we start a family of our own and that life is all about the little things throughout the journey rather than just the sole destination.


This one is a mixed bag. If you get this right, you life journey will be so much more easier and fun. But unlike the love for family this requires effort to maintain. Your parents would love you no matter what, whether you’re bad to them or you’re good, they’ll still love you because how can you not love someone you brought to life!

Friendships are different in this regard and you’ll need to put in effort in order for it to be sustainable. The analogy can be related to a clap. It requires two hand to make a clap, similarly it requires mutual effort for it to bloom.

Although we’re more connected than ever it has been more difficult to make friends now than ever before. There’s no way out you just gotta try. If you need a reason as to why. I can give you that.

Friendships are one of the most supportive kind of love. There will be times when you won’t be able to share some stuff with your family but you can with your friends and if you have a good friend circle the support you get from that is not only very motivating but extremely rare too.

Romantic & Self Love

Although these may seem like two separate entities but it needs to be seen as one in this day and age. Let’s start with romantic love. This is mainly required because we’re social beings and it’s difficult to spend your entire life alone. Let’s face it you can’t spend time with your friends and family all the time or even bug them all the time, not saying you should do that to your partner but if you have a partner you have one more essential part in your life whom you can always count on.

But then where does this idea of self-live fit in? Well, you won’t be able to sustain a relationship with anybody unless you know who you are, because one starts to expect everything out of the other person and leads the path to toxicity.

Once you embrace yourself, understand your thought process, your need and wants you see your partner as another being and not someone you own. They have a life of their own and together you can experience life in a more wholesome manner. This process is also regarded as self love.

Love facilitates empathy

As we’ve seen till now, love is all about emotions and emotions are what help us understand what others would be going through in a certain scenario. This process of keeping oneself in someone else’s shoes and experience what they’re going through is called empathy.

Have we not wanted multiple times in our life that people try to see things from our perspective? But then we are ourselves guilty of it as we don’t practice empathy often. This is because usually we get into a war in proving our point or trying to win, while forgetting that losing is the real win.

Empathy is what makes us human! Let’s practice it often.

What would be the right time to invest in a relationship?

This totally depends on your personal situation but in general, you should think of getting into a relationship only when you’re independent (if you think financial freedom would take a millennium to achieve). Getting into one is easy, maintaining one is where the balls are needed and for that you need to make sure that you can afford a relationship in the first place.

I am bad at making friends. What do I do?

Well, you’ll be surprised to know that no one is bad at making friends. Did you ever need to take classes on how to make friends when you were a child? No! It’s not much different. The thing is you’re either trying to be someone you’re not and failing miserably in it or you’re trying to befriend people who you know you’ve no scope with but maybe they’re cool. Change that, try out new activities you’ll meet new people there and see what happens.


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