
Embracing Death

What is the one thing that is certain to happen in life? Think about it. It’s death. When you try to feel this through your soul, you get to a few realizations: If I am going to die anyway, how does all of this matter? An average human is going to live for 75 years (let’s say) and his legacy is going to be there for 25 years (presumably). Thereafter, your entire existence would be gone from this planet. What does this imply? This implies that it’s okay if you fail. If nothing is going to matter anyway, why stress about it; you basically get a permission to fail. Now, when you observe a little more, this very moment is unique and will not come back ever. How does this make you feel? I certainly feel nothing but an abundant sense of gratitude. The Big Bang started with a tiny point, then formed 200 billion galaxies, and led to me writing this tweet while standing in line at 7-Eleven. Why is everyone acting like this is normal? Life is a miracle. -Lex Fridman Finally, combining these two;...

Learn to live alone! Be a man.

Learning how to live all by your own is one of the most important if not the most essential skills one should develop. This may go against the usual notion that humans are social creatures and we yearn for day-to-day interactions and that is not incorrect. What I am trying to say is that, if you’re able to live all by your own, you’ll live the ultimate life. How? Let me explain. First of all, let’s feel the fact that we’re also animals. Yeah, we’ve become socialized and we have a great civilization and what not but the matter of fact is that we are also animals just like the rest of animal kingdom. So, I started exploring some wildlife videos wherein a lion pride was attacked by two brother lions. They we’re able to overthrow the current leader and once they did that, they killed all of his cubs that very moment. Watching those little cubs surrender to death was heartbreaking to watch. But that is not what shattered me into pieces. It was the lioness, instead of doing something to prot...

Why is love important in our life, family and society?

Love is one of those feelings which is very hard to put into words. It’s naturally sophisticated and almost everything has a love element to it. But why is it that way? What gave love so much value in our lives? Here’s the answer: Human beings are emotional creatures and everything that relates to love has emotions attached to it. The reason love has such an important place in our lives is because humans on the fundamental level are compassion seeking social animals and love is the form of expression for the same. This still sounds a little vague so let’s look into it in more detail.

What is the point of living if you're not happy?

Questions like these haunt us every now and then, especially in times of distress. It makes us wonder why do we even exist and what is the point of it all. Moreover, when there’s pain and no constant source of happiness in our lives felling doubtful is more than evident, that being said, what could be an effective solution? Here’s what I think. The point of living when you’re not happy is the realization that the origin of your desire for happiness is flawed which in turn leads you to the path of seeking long lasting way to be satisfied. This cannot be done through materialistic means but by appreciating the small things in life and helping ot hers.


Let's set the mood of the story in the woods of a hilly region, foggy weather and mesmerizing sunrise once a week with a river flowing nearby. In a world where mobile phones have taken over humans like anything there lived a guy named Sherpa who didn't even own a cellular phone, all he had was a telephone that too of a booth to talk to his parents every once in a while. What did he do, you may ask. Well nothing apparently. He used to farm, to survive obviously. His wife was also the same type and both of them were planning to have children there in the woods itself and continue living the way they were; reading books, writing, making art, singing with the folks nearby and farming for survival. You see they migrated from the city to such a place so it's kinda obvious for them to feel restless initially but they settled in and now the hill felt like home.   Isn't this the ideal way to live of one seeks peace from the materialistic world? Well, in a first glance I would sa...


Let's talk about the sole purpose of existence. Things ranging from, does our existence really matter in the vast spectrum of the universe to can we really decode the mystery of life is what we're gonna see today. I feel life is a vacation in an unknown destination for around a 100 years. You see what control do you have over it? You may say I always have a choice and I decide whatever happens with my life. Okay, I am cool with it, but that's not what I am talking about. I mean to say what is the sole purpose of being when you look at it from a point of view of time. Think yourself having the brain you have right now but in a body of a dinosaur how would you have lived? Would you really consider things like I am here and my goal is to leave Earth a better place than it was before or I want to help my community or I want to help the one's struggling with life. Of course, there are things you could have done even being a dinosaur but that's why I gave you a human brai...

The story of University

Let's talk about 4 high school students; Jayme, Brianna, Rex and Madhulika. Jayme belonged to a rich family with a well settled family business, happy go lucky nature and thinks life is all about having fun. Brianna on the other hand was from a poor family, very disciplined and goal oriented. Rex belonged to a middle class family, super inquisitive in nature, someone who always questioned the status quo. Madhulika didn't really have a family as she was an orphan, although being intelligent and active in social conversations, she was always looked down upon by her friends and orphanage was the only place she could call home. Soon all of them entered college and as we know it is often advised to major in something that makes you money and minor in something you love; so obviously, Jayme chose to major in Business, Rex & Brianna opted for engineering but surprisingly Madhulika wanted to be an artist so she pursued drawing & sculpture studies. As fate would have...