The boon of writing: A way out of loneliness
Writing has to be one of the most underrated skills. It is profoundly useful in almost everything because writing teaches you how to think. Almost any teen curious about life could be called a philosopher but his thought process is scattered all over the place and he tries to portray himself as someone worthy which he’s not. When you try to jot down your thoughts your pace of thinking slows down giving you control on how to think, while before you were in a over speeding vehicle. If you can think, speak and write you’re absolutely deadly. -Jordan Peterson Being your own friend Social beings need to be expressive, more so when you’re human. We have evolved as a tribal species living in groups like lions and monkeys unlike tigers; but the modern world has made it inevitable that we live like a tiger. Everyone has social media and countless friends but no one to really talk to. The amount of loneliness we feel in this 21st century is just staggering especially in the young generation. Thi...